Great work here mate. Future Whenua (land) Initiative are deeply engaged in regenerative agriculture, innovation, systems change and bioregionalism down In Southland, NZ. Here's a peice on our worldview or paradigm.


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Hey Tijn... great work. I'll be in touch over time to introduce my self and some of what I am connecte to .. i.e. the neXt regeneration. Save me a date with you and the Orcas out there!

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On telegram group Community Currency Alliance we are discussing mycelium, mycopunk etc.

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I compiled a list of Regenerative Gardening Seed/Seedling/Tree Sources which your subscribers may appreciate.

Here is the link:


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Earth Viability Center is developing social COLLABORATION platforms to support activist groups and to encourage collaboration among activist groups. Place4Us (www.place4Us.net) is currently hosting Virtual Community Centers (VCC). Communities or groups construct their VCC by simply selecting floors from a list. The operational floors include Deliberations, Classrooms, Experts, Library, Participatory Modeling, Governance and several others. About 30 floors are in the design stage, where each floor has unique tools and functions. Crucially, multipole VCCs can share floors as desired. In addtion, the platform supports a number of functions that are not specific to a single VCC, e.g. a peer-reviewed journal, a newspaper and a "Safe Harbor" for refugees forced to migrate because of violence or climate change. Our overall goal is to enable a global citizens movement that can support the transition to a viable civilization. As far as we can tell, the Place4Us technology is far advanced over all other existing platforms for support of activism. I welcome contact clembarrya(at)gmail.com.

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